The Mini Glider from Glide Bikes allows children to gain confidence, improve motor skills, increase coordination, and learn balance at their own pace all while having fun! Balance Bikes do not have training wheels and pedals to get in the way, so children learn the important first step in riding a bike- BALANCE! ● Designed in the U.S.! ● Designed for the youngest learners ages 2-5 ● Lowest and safest balancing speed on the market due to unique geometry and lower center of gravity ● Unique foot pegs to allow children to improve balance and practice gliding ● High quality, lightweight aluminum alloy frame resists corrosion if left outdoors plus has weight limit of 100 pounds which is twice that of most other balance bikes! ● Easy to adjust quick-release seat clamp to allow for tool-free seat height adjustment ● Child sized handbrake for safe stopping power as children build confidence and speed ● Weighs only 8 pounds for easy maneuvering ● Lifetime Warranty! Best in the market!