Brand new, 90% factory assembled. Riding with style and convenience. This light weight bike can be easily folded within 10 seconds, for easy storage and transportation. It can be fit in a compact car’s rear trunk, like Honda Civic, or Toyota Prius . People can use the bike for commuting to work, riding in parks, in camping ground, or on mountain trails. Recommended for rider’s height 5’3″~6’0″. Supporting rider’s max weight up to 185 lbs. Net weight 34 lbs. Shipping weight 45 lbs. Folded dimensions 38″x14″x29″. This bike is shipped with front wheel uninstalled, a user can easily install the front wheel within five minutes, see user manual which come with the bike for detailed description. Yellow, Blue, Black, Red and Silver color available. *We offer longer seat post to whose height is more than 6’0″ and less than 6’2″. Please place your bike order with longer seat post (Columba_RJ26A 14″ Seat Post) order together, your shipping charge will be reduced. *This item is no longer for Canada customer.